Acupuncture Treatment
$95 per one hour session
Jenni Makihara, Licensed Acupuncturist
Five Element Acupuncture on Cape Cod
508-776-8450 Orleans, Massachusetts
About Acupuncture Treatment
-By Jenni Makihara, Lic.Ac.
I learned firsthand about the benefits of acupuncture treatment from my own migraine headaches. There was a time when the only way I could find relief was to take a medication that often made me nauseous. But with the support of acupuncture, it has now been over 23 years since I have needed prescription headache medications. Acupuncture therapy taught me that my head pain is a signal to pay closer attention to my daily balance of rest and work and my choices around food and fluid intake. The only "side effect" I experienced from acupuncture treatment was the elimination of my spring pollen allergies!
Acupuncture has been healing people for over 2,000 years. We are fortunate in recent times that it has become accepted here in the West as a reliable, scientifically proven therapy. Acupuncture has been found to successfully treat a wide range of imbalances including allergies, chronic and acute pain, fibromyalgia, asthma, arthritis, depression and anxiety, effects from cancer treatments, and much more.
Many people continue with acupuncture treatment on a regular basis after their symptoms have subsided, as preventive medicine or as a reminder for seasonal balancing. Sometimes people who have never tried acupuncture are afraid of the needles. I use only sterile, one-time-use needles. Sensations vary from one patient to another. Some feel nothing at all; others feel a dull, momentary ache or a short pricking sensation. I also have training in energy balancing using my hands, and thus can treat without inserting needles if you prefer.
I believe acupuncture needs to be used in conjunction with other healing modalities, and do not recommend altering your medications without the cooperation of your physician. I look forward to talking with you about your needs, and communicating with your physician or other health care provider.
No one will be turned away for lack of funds, please ask about a sliding scale payment.
"Jenni is a highly skilled and knowledgeable professional who is finely tuned to the client and always knows exactly what treatment to implement. I strongly recommend her services." Ann, Painter
"Thanks so much for the treatment yesterday. I felt so good when I got clearly had a positive effect. And I woke up in comfort this a.m. Rather amazing." Polly, Editor
"I am pleased to tell you that my experience with Jenni has been of great help to me. Since my continuing therapy also includes psychiatric care and medication, it may be impossible to determine precisely what aspect of my treatment has been most effective in bringing about a change for the better; nevertheless I am convinced that the acupuncture treatments have played a significant part in my convalescence." Ned, Translator
"Thanks so much for the treatment yesterday. I felt so good when I got clearly had a positive effect. And I woke up in comfort this a.m. Rather amazing." Polly, Editor
"I am pleased to tell you that my experience with Jenni has been of great help to me. Since my continuing therapy also includes psychiatric care and medication, it may be impossible to determine precisely what aspect of my treatment has been most effective in bringing about a change for the better; nevertheless I am convinced that the acupuncture treatments have played a significant part in my convalescence." Ned, Translator